We work to protect the health of the local population from communicable and infectious diseases and environmental hazards.
We have a duty to protect the health of the public and limit any unavoidable harm.
We work with the four Local Authority Environmental Health departments in Lothian and Public Health Scotland to:
- Avoid onward transmission of diseases through contact tracing.
- Identify and manage outbreaks in community settings such as care homes, Schools, Nurseries and Prisons.
- Support and advise Local Authorities, Emergency Services, Scottish Water, Animal Health and NHS staff.
- Manage and advise on environmental incidents such as chemical exposure, contaminated water, gas leak, etc.
- Educate and train a wide range of professional groups.
You can find information on infection prevention and control in the community in the National Manual for Infection Prevention and Control.
We are not directly involved with Immunisations or vaccinations. If you have an immunisation enquiry please contact NHS Lothian’s Vaccination Enquiries Helpline on 0300 790 6296 or loth.vaccenquiries@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk
Health Protection Reports
- East Lothian (Haddington and Musselburgh) Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) Outbreak August to October 2022, Incident Management Team Report
This report describes a complex outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC) that occurred in the local authority area of East Lothian between August and October 2022. Cases were associated with four nurseries in two towns. STEC infection can lead to serious morbidity and mortality, particularly in very young or elderly populations. This STEC outbreak was therefore treated as a public health emergency requiring prompt response and control measures.
The Co-chairs of the Incident Management Team would like to acknowledge with much appreciation the crucial role played by partner agencies and institutions in the investigation and control of the E. coli outbreak. The Co-chairs would also like to express their deepest appreciation to families, individuals, groups and communities whose cooperation made all the investigations and control of the outbreak possible. That includes the nurseries who agreed to voluntary closure while the outbreak was investigated. A special thanks to parents and families who endured the exclusions and restrictions.
Read the Report, Appendix 6, Appendix 7, Appendix 8