Improving and protecting the health of the people of Lothian
We work in Partnership locally to reduce health inequalities and improve population health.
The health of our population
We collect and study information about the health of our population.
We look at:
- Illness e.g. diabetes and cancer.
- Outbreaks of disease e.g. e.coli, salmonella and blood borne viruses.
- Non medical factors that affect health e.g. where people live and work, how much money they have or their education.
Creating healthy communities
We work with NHS colleagues, local authorities and the Third Sector to plan and shape services.
We focus on services that create:
- The best possible start in life for children and young people e.g. midwives and health visitors, sexual health, education and other children’s services.
- Healthy places e.g. health professionals, community planning partners, housing, town and transport planners, environmental health.
- Sustainable economies e.g. local employers and community wealth building groups.