Physiotherapy NHS Lothian | Our Services

Continence and Pelvic Health

​Treatment for incontinence and pelvic floor symptoms is offered at Bonnyrigg Health Centre

109 High Street
EH19 2DA

Conditions which can be helped include:

  • Female stress urinary incontinence (leakage on coughing, sneezing, laughing etc)
  • Female overactive bladder  (needing to empty your bladder urgently and often and getting up at least twice overnight to go to the loo)
  • Symptoms of mild prolapse (sensation of something coming down)
  • Weak pelvic floor after childbirth including any of the above symptoms
  • Dyspareunia/Vaginismus (pain with intercourse due to involuntary pelvic floor muscle spasm).

The service can be accessed by referral from any of the following:

What happens at my appointment?

Your physiotherapist will discuss your symptoms with you and how they are impacting on your daily life.  You may be asked to complete a bladder diary before your appointment.  We will send you one if you need it.

The bladder diary is extremely helpful to show you and your physiotherapist how much and what your drinking and how the bladder is functioning.   

Physical Assessment

An internal examination is often needed to fully assess the pelvic floor muscles, this will allow your therapist to determine if you can contract and relax the pelvic floor muscles correctly and how strong they are.


  • Clients will be seen in private treatment rooms
  • All clients will be individually assessed and a treatment programme designed to suit their needs.

What resources are there to support my health condition? 

In the meantime, you may find useful information to help you manage your condition within the following websites, under the heading Pelvic Health Resources