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Any information appearing under this website is issued as general information and does not constitute a warranty by any health organisation. No responsibility can be accepted by NHS Lothian or any other organisation for action or inaction as a result of information contained on this website. Readers should take specific advice in respect of specific


Any information appearing under this website is issued as general information and does not constitute a warranty by any health organisation. No responsibility can be accepted by NHS Lothian or any other organisation for action or inaction as a result of information contained on this website. Readers should take specific advice in respect of specific

Medicines Management

The primary care pharmacy team have prepared the following training materials for Care Home staff to access, in order to help with medicines management training in Care Homes.  The following three types of training material have been provided: Baseline Training This training material includes a narrated presentation and an accompanying workbook.  The training covers: This

Making Choices Keeping Safe

Sexual Health and Relationships guidelines for supporting People with Learning Disabilities Making Choices Keeping Safe (MCKS): Guidelines for those caring for people with learning disabilities around relationships and sexual health. View the latest Making Choices Keeping Safe guidelines launched in May 2016. These can be printed for use and can be shared widely with colleagues and

OSCaRS (Ongoing Supportive Conversations and Reflective Sessions)

What are OSCaRS OSCaRS are reflective debriefing sessions. The aim is to facilitate practice-based learning and support staff around palliative and end of life care, in relation to a recent death of a resident within the care home. OSCaRS facilitate a process of new learning which helps staff identify what needs to change and affirms


Learn Tell me more Self-Assess Tools for self-assessing How do you know if you’re having a panic attack? Most people know what it feels like to be anxious about something, but a panic attack is much more intense than this. A panic attack is usually described as a sudden escalating surge of extreme fear. If

Dealing with Stress

Learn Tell me more Self-Assess Tools for self-assessing Do you become so stressed it feels unmanageable? If your stress can often feel overwhelming or uncontrollable, you might recognise some of the common experiences described below. How your body might feel Thoughts you might have Feelings you might have Things you might do If these sound

Better Sleep

Learn Tell me more Self-Assess Tools for self-assessing Do you have trouble sleeping? If you think you’re not getting enough sleep, have trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep, or frequently feel tired during the day, then there are things you can do to help improve your sleep. Do you recognise any of the common

Working with Your Worries

Learn Tell me more Self-Assess Tools for self-assessing Do you sometimes think you worry too much?  If your worries often feel overwhelming or uncontrollable, then you may have a problem with worry. This can sometimes be called generalised anxiety.  If you’re having this sort of problem, you might recognise some of the common experiences described below.   How your body might feel Thoughts you might have Feelings you might have Things you might do If these sound familiar to you, you can

Limitations of Test

Factors known to Significantly Affect Performance Cytogenetic investigations require the culture of living cells and therefore multiple factors may result in failure to obtain a cytogenetic result; Cytogenetic Analysis Cytogenetic analysis is the visual inspection of a series of bands along the length of the chromosomes. Generally blood samples give the best quality chromosomes and

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NHS Lothian News and Media

News & Media

The News section for NHS Lothian. Latest news and updates for patients and the media, plus pages celebrating our annual staff awards 'Celebrating Success'.
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NHS Lothian Our Services

Our Services

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NHS Lothian News and Media

Our Organisation

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NHS Lothian Policy Online

Policy Online

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NHS Lothian Staff


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NHS Lothian Apps


Standalone NHS Lothian websites, including Online Payments and RefHelp: instant access to referral guidelines for GPs and clinicians.
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NHS Lothian Careers


NHS Lothian offers a huge range of career prospects and a wide range of job, training and development opportunities.
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