Orthopaedics NHS Lothian | Our Services


Teaching, training and supporting students, trainee doctors and professionals allied to orthopaedics is at the core of all of our activities. By providing first class education at all levels, we aim to inspire clinicians to deliver first class care to patients. More on Training…

Undergraduate electives

Edinburgh Orthopaedics welcomes applications for undergraduate elective placements from both national and international medical schools.
To find out more please visit: edinburghorthopaedics.org/training/undergraduate-electives

Foundation training

Foundation doctors rotate through the department of Orthopaedics and Trauma as part of their two-year training, for four months at a time.
To find out more please visit: edinburghorthopaedics.org/training/foundation-training

Undergraduate research

Edinburgh Orthopaedics provides research opportunities for undergraduate students at the University of Edinburgh through a Student Selected Component (SSC) attachment.
To find out more please visit: edinburghorthopaedics.org/training/undergraduate-research

Speciality Training

Speciality training in Edinburgh and South-East Scotland is regarded as one of the most prestigious in the country.
To find out more please visit: edinburghorthopaedics.org/training/speciality-training


Edinburgh Orthopaedics invite applications from national and international senior trainees to spend either six months or a full year in our department as part of a fellowship experience, with start dates of August and February.
To find out more please visit: edinburghorthopaedics.org/training/fellowships

Taster weeks

Deciding on a speciality can be a daunting and sometimes overwhelming process. In order to provide further insight into the day-to-day activities of an Orthopaedic surgeon, Edinburgh Orthopaedics offers a number of taster weeks to both undergraduate students and trainee doctors.
To find out more please visit: edinburghorthopaedics.org/training/taster-weeks