Neuroprogressive and Dementia Network NHS Lothian | Our Services

Maria Dewar

Clinical Studies Officer

BSc, RGN, RM, CSci


I am a senior Research Nurse with over 30 years of experience in NHS Lothian. After completing a degree in Nursing Studies at Edinburgh University, I qualified and worked as a midwife in the South of England.  I returned to Edinburgh to work in Reproductive Health research at the University of Edinburgh.  I then moved to Respiratory Medicine at the Western General Hospital, Edinburgh in the role of Research Manager conducting CF Gene Therapy, Asthma and COPD Trials. Following semi-retirement, I joined the network in May 2015 as a Clinical Studies Officer and am currently working on clinical research projects in the disease areas of Parkinson’s Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease.

NDN Project/Studies

Currently Recruiting

Ongoing/In Follow-Up

Clinical Trials for Parkinson’s Disease

Neurodegenerative Disease

Respiratory Disease

Key Publications

Alton EWFW, et al on behalf of the UK Cystic Fibrosis Gene Therapy Consortium*. A Phase I/IIa Safety and Efficacy Study of Nebulised Liposome-mediated Gene Therapy for Cystic Fibrosis Supports a Multidose Trial. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2015 Dec 1;192(11): 1389-92. View Publication
(*Dewar MH was a member of the UKCF Gene Therapy Consortium)

Alton EWFW, [….], Dewar MH, [….], Wolstenholme-Hogg P.  Repeated nebulisation of non-viral CFTR gene therapy in patients with cystic fibrosis: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2b trial. The Lancet Respiratory Medicine. Published online July 3, 2015. View Publication

Horsley AR, Davies JC, Gray RD, Macleod KA, Donovan J, Aziz ZA, Bell NJ, Rainer M, Mt-Isa S, Voase N, Dewar MH, Saunders C, Gibson JS, Parra-Leiton J, Larsen MD, Jeswiet S, Soussi S, Bakar Y, Meister MG, Tyler P, Doherty A, Hansell DM, Ashby A, Hyde SC, Gill DR, Greening AP, Porteous DJ, Innes JA, Boyd AC, Griesenbach U, Cunningham S, Alton EWFW.  Changes in physiological, functional and structural markers of cystic fibrosis lung disease with treatment of a pulmonary exacerbation. Thorax Online First, published on February 9, 2013 as 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2012-202538. View Publication

Gray R.D., MacGregor G., Noble D., Imrie M., Dewar M., Boyd A. C., Innes J.A., Porteous D.J., Greening A.P.  Sputum Proteomics in Inflammatory and Suppurative Respiratory Diseases.  American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2008;178 (5):444-52. View Publication

Dewar M.H., Jamieson A, McLean A and Crompton G.K. Peak inspiratory flow through Turbuhaler in chronic obstructive airways disease. Respiratory Medicine 1999; 93: 342-344. View Publication

Böllert F.G.E., Matusiewicz S.P., Dewar M.H., Brown G.M., McLean A., Greening A.P., Crompton G.K. Comparative efficacy and potency of Ipratropium via Turbuhaler® and pMDI in reversible airflow obstruction. European Respiratory Journal 1997; 10: 1824-1828. View Publication

Glasier A., Thong K.J., Dewar M., Mackie M., Baird D.T. Comparison of mifepristone. (RU 486) and high-dose estrogen and progestogen for emergency postcoital contraception. N. Engl. J. Med. 1992; 327: 1041-4 View Publication

Glasier A., Thong K.J., Dewar M., Mackie M., Baird D.T. Postcoital contraception with mifepristone. Lancet1991; 337: 1414-5. View Publication


NDN Email: Maria.dewar@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

NDN Tel: 0131 537 3804