Neuroprogressive and Dementia Network NHS Lothian | Our Services

Current Studies

Click on an icon below to learn about our current clinical research studies

If you are interested in participating in research, you can register through Permission to Contact or email us on loth.sdcrn@nhs.scot

Open to Recruitment

CAN-PDP: CANnabidiol for Parkinson’s Disease Psychosis 

A clinical trial investigating cannabidiol as a safe treatment for reducing hallucinations and delusions in Parkinson’s

COBALT: COmBining memantine And cholinesterase inhibitors in Lewy body dementia treatment Trial

Trialing memantine and cholinesterase inhibitors for Parkinson’s disease dementia or Dementia with Lewy Bodies

ENROLL-HD: A Prospective Registry Study in a Global Huntington’s Disease Cohort

The largest observational study globally for Huntington’s disease

HealthE-RND: Advancing E-Health for Huntington’s Disease and Beyond

 Improving access to multidisciplinary care for people affected by Huntington’s disease 

iMark HD: Investigating biomarkers for disease and symptom progression in Huntington’s disease

Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging scans and Positron Emission Tomography scans to search for biomarkers to highlight early disease processes, and disease progression

PD Frontline: genetic testing provision to facilitate clinical trial referral for people with Parkinson’s

Offering online genetic testing for individuals with Parkinson’s disease to ascertain eligibility for other Parkinson’s disease trials

Other Ongoing Studies

DFP: Deep and Frequent Phenotyping; Combinatorial Biomarkers for Dementia Experimental Medicine

Tracking biological and cognitive markers of Alzheimer’s disease to detect disease change

EVOKE/ EVOKE+: Investigating Semaglutide in People with Early Alzheimer’s Disease ​

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to investigate potential benefits for reducing cognitive decline

Probiotic: Investigating the effects of B. Subtilis Bacteria on the microbiome in Parkinson’s Disease

To determine whether B. Subtilis PXN21 has any beneficial effects on gut microbiome composition and Parkinson’s Disease symptoms

Upcoming Studies

TOP HAT: Trial of Ondansetron as a Parkinson’s Hallucinations Treatment

Trialing ondansetron as a treatment for Parkinson’s hallucinations

For more information on some of our previous studies please click here


Neuroprogressive & Dementia Research Network Office

Old Pharmacy Building
Western General Hospital

Email: loth.sdcrn@nhs.scot

Telephone: 0131 537 3804


The NRS Neuroprogressive Disease and Dementia Network team in NHS Lothian conduct commercial and investigator led studies for: Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, Motor Neurone Disease, dementia with Lewy bodies, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Multiple System Atrophy.