Your first stop for mental health information & resources
Are you affected with mental health issues? Or do you care for someone who is?
The Mental Health Information Station is open for walk in visits at the Walpole Hall every Thursday 10.30 am to 3.00 pm. Visitors with mental health issues can drop in without an appointment and receive support and guidance on the day from mental health professionals.
We continue to operate our phone line on Thursdays from 10.30am – 3.00 pm on 0131 537 8688, if staff are busy, you can arrange a call back.
Or you can email loth.mentalhealthinformation@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk at any time with specific queries and a request for a call back.
You will also find useful information booklets and guidance on this site or on our Facebook page.
Mental Health Information Station | Edinburgh | Facebook
The Information Station is a one stop shop acting as a source of support, information and sign posting. Lead by NHS Occupational Therapists, input is drawn from health and social care staff, peer support workers, volunteers and key third sector partners. The Information Station offers:
- Faster self-service access to individuals;
- Psychological self-help guides and resources;
- Support groups sign posting;
- Provide standardised information on conditions and medication ;
- Support for Carers;
- Link with community resources through experts that are very aware of what is out there in different localities or city wide projects;
- no appointment required;
The service aims to ensure that people have access to the right support as early as possible.