The Lothian Public Health Survey 2023 is a major research study commissioned by NHS Lothian and the University of Edinburgh and is crucial to obtaining an accurate picture of the health and wellbeing of East Lothian, Midlothian, West Lothian and City of Edinburgh residents.
A random sample of Lothian adult residents has been invited to take part in this survey. Your experiences, opinions and information are important. We want to ensure that a broad range of people, from all areas, are represented so that improvements in health and wellbeing services across Lothian are based on the needs of our entire population, so it is important you respond. The survey should only take 15 minutes or so of your time.
The data collected will help NHS Lothian to understand the health and wellbeing of our population and inequalities in Lothian and to design services which improve Public Health and seek to reduce inequalities.
This study has been reviewed by the NHS Health Research Authority Ethics Committee and received the appropriate approval from NHS Lothian’s Caldicott guardian.
The survey data is being collected by the Scottish Centre for Social Research (ScotCen), the independent social research agency – see opens a new window for more information.
The Lothian Public Health Survey 2023 PDF document provides a record of the questions asked in the survey in an easily readable format. Please note the appearance of the actual survey to complete will be different.
If you have any questions regarding how the study was designed, how the data will be used, or how to complete the questionnaire please email or call freephone 0800 652 0601 quoting the reference number on the letter you have received.
“Thank you for your participation, your data will help us improve services and reduce health inequalities”
Dona Milne
Director of Public Health,
NHS Lothian