Let’s Think Ahead – Leaflets, magnets and wallet cards
Let’s Think Ahead Leaflets provide useful information about making a plan and can support discussions for people living in their own home or in a care home.
Download a copy of the leaflet for:
- People living in care homes
- People at home in Edinburgh

A number of local resources have been developed, providing a visual prompt for practitioners visiting people in their home, or providing urgent care, alerting them that the person has an up to date care plan, and a Key Information Summary that can inform shared decision-making.
Let’s Think Ahead Magnet/Window Stickers

Let’s Think Ahead Wallet Cards

Practitioners discussing future care planning with people can offer a wallet card and magnet when a care plan and Key Information Summary (KIS) is in place.
Contact LongTermConditions@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk for more information.