Future Care Planning / Anticipatory Care Planning NHS Lothian | Our Services

Acute and Secondary Care Teams

The following information sheet has been produced with the REDMAP guide to support practitioners in acute and secondary care settings in future care planning conversations. It covers why you might see blank KISs and the merits of ECS vs KIS (Emergency Care Summary vs Key Information Summary). 

In addition, you can find some useful information, videos and resources on how existing future care plans or ReSPECT can be used to create Treatment Escalation Plans (TEP) in acute settings via the Treatment Escalation Plan Intranet webpages.

Further REDMAP resources to support future care planning conversations can be found on the SPICT webpages including:

The Long Term Conditions Team has worked with the Clinical Genetics Service, at the Western General Hospital, to support practitioners having future care planning conversations when discussing management of genetic conditions, recording and sharing cautionary alerts, should the individual require medical attention.