Falls Support NHS Lothian | Our Services

Falls Support

Practical support and advice to help you reduce the risk of falls.

NHS Lothian Falls Support

Around one in three older people experience a fall at least once a year. Younger people can be at risk of falling too. The good news is there are many ways we can support you to reduce your risk of falls.

What to Do if you Fall

Up and About

NHS Scotland’s Up and About booklet has lots of information on how you can take positive steps to avoid trips and falls.

Upwards & Onwards

Any of us can fall, every fall is different, and this video is about what to do if it happens.

You will learn how to get yourself up, how to get help if you can’t get up and how to take action to prevent falls.

Reducing the Risk of Falls

For more information for your area on how to prepare in case you fall, and how to reduce your risk of falls, choose from the options below.

Wooden garden bench in a care home

I live in a care home

High backed chairs in a hospital

I am currently in hospital

I live in East Lothian

I live in Midlothian

I live in West Lothian

I live in Edinburgh


Around one in three older people experience a fall at least once a year. Younger people can be at risk of falling too. The good news is there are many ways we can support you to reduce your risk of falls.



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QR Code to Falls Feedback Form at https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=veDvEDCgykuAnLXmdF5Jmmk2ii3aSOdHpO0TKSG8db9UQzBYNkM1NkNSV1lYSlEzWlRQMEdLTURRUS4u&web=1&wdLOR=c498E08D3-6917-468D-83CE-8B45E1E7485C