Edinburgh Fertility Centre NHS Lothian | Our Services

Useful Links

Donor Conception Network
Tel: 020 7278 2608
Email: dcngroups@dcnetwork.org (for local groups)

Seed (Sperm, Egg & Embryo Donation)
Email: info@seedtrust.org.uk

Early Pregnancy Support Unit, Royal Infirmary Edinburgh
Tel: 0131 242 2438 or 0131 242 2425
Fertility Fairness
Tel: 0121 323 5025
Email: info@fertilitynetworkuk.org
Fertility Network Scotland
Tel: 01424 732 361, Mob: 07411 752 688
Email: SharonM@fertilitynetworkscotland.org
Fertility Network UK
Tel: 01424 732 361
Email: info@fertilitynetworkuk.orgsupport@fertilitynetworkuk.org

Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority
Email: enquiriesteam@hfea.gov.uk

Additional Support Services for Miscarriage and Loss

Miscarriage Association
Tel: 01924 200 799
Email: info@miscarriageassociation.org.uk 

National Childbirth Trust (NCT)
Tel: 0300 330 0700 (support line)
National Health Service (NHS) 

Tel: 0800 014 7800