Edinburgh Fertility Centre NHS Lothian | Our Services

Success Rates

Several factors affect the chances of success, including the actual cause of infertility and the response of the patient providing eggs to the drug treatment, but their age at the time of egg collection is the most important factor affecting outcome. For women over 40, the chances of success are reduced. Even if the initial pregnancy test is positive, there is still a considerable risk of early miscarriage. There is usually a drop in pregnancy rate for women who commence treatment after the age of 35.

The treatment and success rates below have been sourced directly from the website of our regulator, the HFEA. All the latest live success rates can be found on the HFEA website. Please note that information on success rates is of limited value in comparing centres and choosing where to seek treatment


The service is in the process of updating the success rates on this page. While we are working on this, please visit the HFEA website for our most recent success rates as published by the HFEA.