Embarking on the journey toward parenthood?
Discover our comprehensive funding options for fertility treatment.
Information on payments
Payments for all treatments must be made in advance of your appointment. If seeking IVF/ICSI treatment, a non-refundable deposit of £500 will be taken before your initial consultation. Please note that your appointment will be cancelled if payment has not been made 14 days after an invoice has been sent.
First cycle of IVF/ICSI treatment – before you start your treatment, you will need to attend a nurse discussion. Payment must be made in full prior to this appointment.
Subsequent cycles of treatment – Treatment cannot progress until payment has been received.
Payment Methods
Payment can be made in person by credit or debit card or by cash at the Cashier’s Office within The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Little France Crescent, Edinburgh, EH16 4SA. The Cashier’s Office is located within the main mall of the hospital. Please quote your fertility number when making payment.
Payment can be made via telephone by credit or debit card. This can be done by phoning the Cashier’s Office at The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh on 0131 242 2323. Please quote your fertility number when making payment.
Payment can be made online by credit or debit card on the following NHS Lothian web page – click here From the options, select ‘Invoices’ and complete the form. In the field marked ‘Customer Code’ please enter your fertility number.
Please note – if you choose to pay online, you are required to bring a copy of your payment confirmation at your pre-doctor’s appointment. Failure to provide this may result in your treatment being postponed.
Terms and conditions
The above fees may be subject to change. The treatment provided at the Edinburgh Fertility Centre is regulated by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority and governed by the laws of Scotland.
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