Edinburgh Fertility Centre NHS Lothian | Our Services

Meet the staff


Our team of doctors at the IVF Unit will be responsible for initial investigations and formulating a treatment plan based on your individual circumstances.

They will also oversee your treatment and make adjustments where necessary.

Maya Chetty- Lead Consultant

Dr Smriti Bhatta – Specialty Doctor

Cornelia King – Specialty Doctor

Dr Brian Brady – Specialty Doctor

Sandra Brett – Specialty Doctor

Nurses and Clinical Support Workers

Our experienced and friendly nurses and clinical support workers are trained to the highest standard and are dedicated to providing you with the best possible care and support during your treatment.

They will meet you to explain your treatment at your nurse discussion appointment and co-ordinate your treatment at all stages thereafter. Between the nurses and care support workers, they will also carry out scans and blood tests, dispense drugs and look after you during your egg collection and embryo transfer. They will provide help, information and support throughout your treatment journey.

Louise Boyle – Senior Charge Nurse

Ciara NcNamara – Deputy Charge Nurse

Alison Whitecross – Deputy Charge Nurse

Laura Wood  – Deputy Charge Nurse

Lee Noquet – Deputy Charge Nurse

Jane Clyne – Deputy Charge Nurse

Erin Jenkinson – Staff Nurse

Lorriane Wilson – Staff Nurse

Leighanna Brown – Staff Nurse

Rebecca Prentice – Staff Nurse

Adele Keating – Staff Nurse

Sylvia Askham – Staff Nurse

Katie Small – Staff Nurse

Emma Shalvey – Staff Nurse

Christina Dorans – Staff Nurse

Kirsten Wilson – Clinical Support Worker

Sophie White – Clinical Support Worker

Susan Ansell – Clinical Support Worker

Alexandra Ness – Clinical Support Worker

Stephanie Spalding – Clinical Support Worker


Our team of experienced and highly skilled scientists will play a vital part in your treatment. They will be responsible for testing, handling and processing your eggs, sperm and embryos during your investigations and treatment, and for freezing and storage of your samples.

They will also carry out complex manipulation of your eggs and sperm to achieve fertilisation in the laboratory through In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) or Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI).

Dr Daniel Collins – Consultant Embryologist

Anna Kopakaki – Senior Embryologist

Louise Wills – Clinical Scientist

DSC 3344 Jessica Pittaway

Jessica Pittaway – Embryologist

Charlotte Lamb – Clinical Embryologist

Eve Morrow-Specialist Biomedical-Scientist

Alison Tse-Specialist Biomedical-Scientist

DSC 3347 Joanna Murray

Joanna Murray – Specialist Biomedical-Scientist

Evangeline Walker – Clinical Embrologist

DSC 3363 Jacqui Doran

Jacqui Dorans – Specialist Biomedical-Scientist

Laura Wales – Senior Biomedical Scientist

Lindsay Moss – Specialist Biomedical Scientist


Patient care includes the provision of a confidential and supportive fertility counselling service. Our counsellors, who are members of the British Infertility Counselling Association, are experienced and committed to your care.

If you wish to see one of our Counsellors before you embark on treatment or at any time during or after treatment, please ask a member of the team when you are here, or phone 0131 242 2450.

Ruth Philips – Counsellor

Jocelyn Proctor – Counsellor


Our friendly team of reception, Medical Secretary and administration staff take pride in their professionalism and approachability. They play an important role in ensuring the smooth day-to-day running of the Unit.

They ensure patients’ records are updated and available for clinics, deal with telephone enquiries promptly, sensitively and efficiently and aim to provide an immediate response. They also ensure all correspondence letters are sent to relevant parties.

Joanna Ablett -Fertility Unit Manager

Dave Wales – Quality Manager

Irena Cameron -Reception Supervisor

Evonne Telfer -Receptionist

Kath Sutton – Administrative Assistant

Tessa McGurk-Team lead

Emma Miliken – Medical Secretary

Kirsty Burton – Medical Secretary

Jodie Quinn – Medical Secretary

Hollie Guthrie – Medical Secretary

Anna-Skliar – Medical Secretary

Olga Barcikowska – Laboratory Secretary