If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like inside our fertility clinic, you’re in the right place.

Our website will guide you through every step of the journey—from the initial visit to the inner workings of our embryology lab. Discover how we handle, fertilise, and store embryos with the utmost care.

Patients are scheduled for egg retrieval procedure depending on the size of their follicles and their hormone levels. They will self administer a ‘trigger’ to mature their eggs for collection, usually 36 hours, in advance of the procedure.
An embryologist will check the follicular fluid retrieved during the egg collection process, and transfer any eggs to the laboratory culture incubators for insemination.

An embryologist or andrologist will prepare the semen sample on the day of egg retrieval.
Eggs are inseminated with prepared sperm on the day of egg collection (day 0), either using traditional in vitro fertilisation (IVF) or by Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI).

Eggs are then left overnight to check for fertilisation the next morning (day 1), and the patients are called to inform them of the outcome.
The embryo development is observed on day 3 and day 5 – the embryologist will score the embryos based on their appearance and development profile.

The best embryo will be selected from the group for a fresh embryo transfer. The embryologist will load the embryo in a very small volume of fluid into a catheter and the doctor will pass that into the uterus under ultrasound guidance, where the embryo is expelled.

Any embryos that are suitable for storage will be frozen using a specialised technique (vitrification) in order to optimise the process. Embryos are stored in ultra-cold liquid nitrogen for subsequent use.