Diabetes Managed Clinical Network NHS Lothian | Our Services

Primary Care Clinical Practice Meetings

The Lothian Diabetes MCN Clinical Practice Meetings take place over lunchtime from 12:30-13:30 on the 4th Monday each month via MS Teams.
The meetings are aimed at primary care teams as a platform for education and are also an opportunity to showcase aspects of service and quality improvement and also provide an open clinic forum for colleagues to raise clinical queries and problems for discussion.

Please click on the tabs below to see the details for each session, there is no meeting in July and December.

All sessions are recorded and are available in the Clinical Practice Meeting Teams Channel. For more information and to become a member please see the registration information below.

Date:Monday 22nd January 2024
Speaker:Hamish Foster / Sara Jenks
Topic:CVD prevention strategies in areas of deprivation / Information on Lothian roll out of HbA1c as a main diagnostic test for diabetes in adults
Date:Monday 26th February 2024
Speaker:Janet Swann (LUCS) / Mark Strachan / Jill Little / Community DSNs
Topic:Diagnostic Dilemmas Part 1: Euglycaemic Ketoacidosis / Ketone testing and interpretation of results in Primary Care & New Community Diabetes Specialist Nurses (DSN) Referral Guidance
Date:Monday 25th March 2024
Speaker:Mark Strachan / Suzy Scarlett
Topic:Diagnostic Dilemmas Part 2: Variation in MODY diagnosis and C-Peptide testing / Case Study: Haemoglobin variant
Date:Monday 22nd April 2024
Speaker:Michelle Downer / Sam Abushal
Topic:Showcasing Quality Improvement in Lothian Part 1: SGLT2 Inhibitors and Pre-pregnancy counselling/Exploring HbA1c pilot in NW practice.
Date:Monday 27th May 2024
Speaker:Iain Macintyre / Jo Rose
Topic:Cardiorenal Metabolic Series Part 1: CKD in Diabetes / Cautionary Tales (Case Studies)
Date:Monday 24th June 2024
Speaker:Anna Noble / Catriona Templeton
Topic:Showcasing Quality Improvement in Lothian Part 2: Diabetes in the Community – a broader approach / Improving completion of 9  Processes of Diabetes Care in Whinpark Medical Practice

No meeting in July.

Date:Monday 26th August 2024
Speaker:Kevin Fernando / Scott Taylor / Katie Miles / Sarah Wild
Topic:Cardiorenal Metabolic Series Part 2: A session on MASLD / My Diabetes and Me research study / GLP1 & Insulin shortages update / Diabetes Survey
Date:Monday 23rd September 2024
Speaker:Dr Louise O’Dowd / Katharine Dunn
Topic:Type 2 Diabetes and Gum Disease
Date:Monday 28th October 2024
Speaker:More details coming soon!
Topic:More details coming soon!
Date:Monday 25th November 2024
Speaker:Sheena Fraser
Topic:Diabetes and the Microbiome

No meeting in December.