Diabetes Managed Clinical Network NHS Lothian | Our Services

Resources for Healthcare Professionals

Diabetes Consultant Cluster Link Programme

Each cluster in Edinburgh, East and Midlothian is linked to a named diabetes consultant (there are pre-existing arrangements in West Lothian). The aim of the link programme is to support quality improvement activities in diabetes. If individual practices need support in education and training, please contact diabetesmcneducation@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk.

The list of linked consultants is available here: Clusters and Cluster Quality Leads.xlsx

Primary Care Clinical Practice Sessions

Details on the programme and information on how to register for the Lothian Clinical Practice Meetings.

Diabetes Competencies for District Nurses

NHS Lothian requires that a two yearly formal re-assessment of competency in clinical skill is undertaken practitioners who have completed the recognised training and initial competency assessment.

Prescribing Information

Information, guidance and prescribing advice including therapies and monitoring.

Adult Weight Management and Type 2 Diabetes Prevention

Details of adult Weight Management Service and Type 2 Diabetes prevention.

Using Data to Improve Diabetes Care

Information on SCI-Diabetes and the 9 Processes of Diabetes Care
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Diabetes Professional Education Website

You will find details of upcoming Diabetes education and training courses, as well as up to date links, resources and information on diabetes care and management.

Computer monitor showing diabetes website