Diabetes Managed Clinical Network NHS Lothian | Our Services

Humalog Insulin Shortages

The latest medication shortage for diabetes now involves insulin – namely Humalog 10ml vials and Humulin M3. The former is usually prescribed for people on insulin pumps and the latter is most commonly used in older people with Type 2 diabetes (especially in care homes).

As you will see from the attached guidance:

For Humalog vials the following switch is recommended:

NovoRapid® 10ml vials for children and young people in paediatric care and women who are pregnant or in the first 12-months following pregnancy; or 

 Trurapi® or NovoRapid® (insulin aspart) vials for adults (including young people under the care of adult diabetes services 

For Humulin M3, a switch to Humalog Mix 25 is recommended:

No actual dose adjustment should be needed, but if possible, patients should be advised to monitor glucose levels more closely (if possible) following a switch. Advice can be obtained from one of the three main adult diabetes services and the RHCYP for children.