West Lothian Children and Young People’s Occupational Therapy NHS Lothian | Our Services
OT Background

West Lothian Children and Young People’s Occupational Therapy

Read on to find out about who we are, what we do, and how we can support you and your young person.

Meet the Team

Our team is made up of Occupational Therapists (OTs), OT Health Care Support Workers (HCSWs) and OT Assistants.


What is Occupational Therapy (OT)?

We offer a range of support for children and families for a variety of reasons.

What’s the latest with us?

Web Pages: Under Construction

We are currently developing these web pages to provide useful and informative advice for children and young people, their families, education staff and other professionals. Keep an eye out for communications from us to let you know when we’re up and running!

Before making a request, we would ask you to please try some of the strategies and advice on these webpages, and only if these prove unsuccessful, consider contacting the service.

Information for parents, carers and families

Information for teachers and professionals

Other useful resources/ signposting