Care Homes NHS Lothian | Our Services

Stroke Education Pilot

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Welcome to the pilot (trial) education page!

If you have access to this page then you are a member of staff in one of four Care Homes in Lothian who has been offered the oppertunity to try this new stroke education resource – we hope you find it useful!

You are also helping us (NHS Stoke team and members of the Care Home Programme Team) to evaluate and adapt stroke education for Care Homes. We welcome all feedback, whether “good” or “bad” and your views are vital to ensuring stroke education is helpful to you, your colleagues and other Care Homes.

We would ask you not to share this page with anyone outside your Care Home for the moment as we need to see how you find it before we can let all Care Homes have access – please feel free to share and discuss it with your colleagues in your Care Home.

You can give us feedback through this survey (add link) or by taking part in one of the focus groups at the end of the project in December (your Care Home manager will have more details).

Introduction to Stroke


Stroke is one of the leading causes of disability in the world and frequently results in changes to people’s ability to move, talk, and think.

Approximately, 10, 000 people each year in Scotland will have a stroke. In Lothian, approximately 1, 400 people each year will have a stroke.

Recovery is variable and many people will continue to require adaptation or assistance to participate in their daily living activities.

Some people who require 24- hour assistance may move into a Care Home. As stroke is more prevalent at an older age a Care Home resident may be more at risk of having a stroke than a younger person.

We want you to feel confident and skilled when working with people who have experienced a stroke which is why we have developed this page and resources for you!


Quick Reads

bitesized reading


A variety of videos on various topics from types of stroke to complications after stroke.


Education and Training

The main two stroke education courses recommended under this project can be found below; these are the STARS online modules and the related in-person session.

Online Education
STARS modules

Stars modules

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STARs core competency modules.

You will receive a certificate upon completion of the core competency test. You have to have completed these modules before you can attend an in-person session.

*please note* for this pilot due to time constraints we are aware you may not have finished the STARS modules. You can still attend the in-person session but we ask that you will have at least commenced, or familiarised yourself with the STAR’s learning package, prior to attending the full day session as we will build on some of the topics on the day.

Education Session

In personworkshop

This session will be delivered by spoken topics as well as practical sessions which offer staff the oppertunity to feel what it’s like to have a stroke through the use of specially made suits and clothing.

You will receive a certificate of attendance following the session.

Please let your manager know if you are interested in attending, unfortunately, places are limited as this is a pilot.

There are other stroke education and training courses available, please see this article for education courses run by the NHS Stroke Team.

This article offers other useful training opportunities available on Turas.

Other Useful Resources

Please check out this document to find further resources on:

  • Forums staff can attend
  • National Guidelines
  • Stroke websites and organisations, including carer support
stroke forums, website organisation

Last Updated August 2024 HS