Midlothian Older People Care Homes

**Please note – due to changes amongst Care Homes the map may be slightly out of date at times**
Secure Email Accounts
Where secure email addresses exist these can be used for direct communication between the care home and NHS services for resident and staff related information.
This includes submission or referral forms for different specialist services and communication with the Health Protection and Public Health Teams.
For more information on setting up a secure email address please go to the secure email page.
Midlothian Care Home Support Team
Role and Remit
The Mid Lothian Care home Support Team has been undergoing a period of review. Staff continue to work closely with the Mid-Lothian Care Homes and once the review has been completed a more detailed description of their roles and remits will be updated here. Their contact details remain the same and these can be found below.
Contact Us
Midlothian Care Home Support Team
Bonnyrigg Primary Care Centre
35 – 37 High Street
EH19 2DA
Phone 07890 023591