Latest News & Highlights
10 January 2024 – PDA Supervision Award
Edinburgh College still have some places available on their PDA Health and Social Care Supervision award. This award meets the requires of Scottish Social Services Council for registrants in a supervisory role. New start date 23rd February.
Use this link for more information and to apply : PDA Health and Social Care Supervision | Edinburgh College

Career Pathway now available to explore:
Lothian Care Academy (LCA) Career Pathways in Lothian – Care Homes (
New Year = New Job, New Challenge?

An exciting new resource is beeing (!) launched on Thursday 18th January 2024. Look out for the bees who will be buzzing around, highlighting job roles and career opportunities within social care when the Interactive Lothian Care Academy Career Pathway is launched.

2024 Dates – Dementia Training
Understanding and Responding to the Needs of People Living with Dementia
This training is open for all care and nursing staff working in care homes and care at home services.
Visit the webpage for more information and online booking form
Please note that only dates with spaces available will be offered on the booking form.

29th June 2023
Siobhan Blair, Alzheimer Scotland Nurse Consultant, has written a blog post for Alzheimer Scotland’s “Let’s Talk About Dementia Blog”. In it she describes how collaboration has been key in developing and testing a new Dementia Training package. Part of this training includes an experiential session where participants can try to complete everyday tasks whilst wearing an age simulation suit.
9th June 2023
11 people from across Lothians’ HSCPs attended Edinburgh College, Digital Care Hub to learn more about stoma care. This was a really enjoyable interactive session with participants gaining more understanding of how and why stomas may be required, and the physical and psychological care that a person may require as they live their lives with a stoma. The participants then undertook practical learning by practicing applying and removing stoma bags on ‘Doris’ the manikin (pictured). All the participants received a certificate of attendance at the end of the session which they can save in their portfolio of learning.
Well done to all the participants!
The next sessions are still to be finalised, notes of interest can be made using the online form on the previous page.

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