Care Homes NHS Lothian | Our Services

Lothian Care Academy Course Booking Form

This form is for staff employed across Lothians’ Health and Social Care Partnerships, including Care Homes and Care at Home services to submit notes of interest in training

Complete the form below to register your interest with us for any of the training provided through Lothian Care Academy.

All communication will be through email, please complete all fields of booking form.

  • We will respond by email to your application, and your name will be held until the appropriate teaching session is available.
  • Please ensure that you also provide your manager’s email on the form, as the Lothian Care Academy requires to contact your line manager, to confirm release for any proposed training date.

Lothian Care Academy will process your Data in line with NHS Lothian Data Protection Notice, full details are available online Data Protection Notice – Your Rights & Privacy (nhslothian.scot)

Lothian Care Academy and training providers aim to provide training in a way that inclusive to all learners. If a course attendee requires additional support please contact the Lothian Care Academy in the first instance:  loth.careacademy@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

When you undertake Lothian Care Academy provided training you will receive a certificate and reflective practice worksheet, these can be used to build a portfolio of learning and can be used as evidence of Continuous Professional Learning (CPL).

More information and resources relating to reflective learning and CPL can be found here

If you would like further information about any of the courses or about what else the Lothian Care Academy may be able to offer, please email Loth.CareAcademy@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk and one of our team members will get back to you.