Falls and frailty education is available for all Care Homes within Lothian Health and Social Care Partnerships.
These short sessions are designed for all staff working with people living in care homes, including non – clinical support staff.
The sessions can be delivered locally, across the Lothians, in care homes.
Session 1 – Introduction to Frailty and Falls
This is an introductory session for all staff on the subject of falls and frailty.
Length of training: 1hr 15mins – 1hr 30mins
Learning Outcomes:
- LO1: Describe the reasons people fall including an introduction to frailty
- LO2: Identify falls prevention strategies
- LO3: Use a falls flow chart to explain how to manage a fall
- LO4: Demonstrate what to do post falls regarding who to notify and resident coming home from hospital
Session 2 – Falls
This session follows on from Session 1, it is for staff who are involved in completing paperwork related to falls such as risk assessment, handovers and incident reporting.
Length of training: 1hr 15mins – 1hr 30mins
Learning Outcomes:
- LO1: Demonstrate an understanding of risk factor assessment and management by using a multifactorial risk assessment tool
- LO2: Demonstrate the use of SBAR-D to handover residents and when completing paperwork
- LO3: Demonstrate the use of falls cross, incident report and falls data spreadsheet
Frailty session
An optional comprehensive frailty session which can be added to Session 1 with an additional 45minutes added.
Or it can be facilitated as a 1 hour stand alone session.
Learning Outcomes:
- LO1: Describe frailty and frailty syndromes
- LO2: Demonstrate an understanding of the Clinical Frailty Scale and be able to calculate a frailty score
- LO3: Demonstrate an understanding of the goals of frailty care
- LO4: Describe management strategies for frailty and frailty syndromes
- LO5: Discuss the risks associated with frailty and the management strategies for these
For further information, discuss your education needs or to book sessions please contact:
Michelle Watt (Falls and Frailty Clinical Educator) via email michelle.watt@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk or alternatively via telephone on 07980734272.
Further information regarding falls, including links to local support services can be found on the Care Homes Webpages: A-Z: Health Conditions, Services and Referral Pathways