Care Homes NHS Lothian | Our Services

Diabetes Education for Social Care Staff – UNDER CONSTRUCTION

This page provides an introduction to a variety of diabetes education resources for social care staff.

Many of these can be found on the Diabetes Managed Clinical Network (MCN) Professional website, which has further information and resources, which you may find useful.

The purpose of this section is to provide essential information and learning in an easy to navigate manner for different staff groups working in social care across Lothian.

Social Care Assistants and Workers

Below are a variety of resources which will give you an introductory understanding of diabetes.

It is suggested that you progress through the resources in the order which they are presented.

Free Online Education Courses

These resources are free to access for all, they provide an good foundation of learning around diabetes

Understanding Diabetes – 90 minute online module provided by Diabetes UK

Diabetes 2 – provided by my diabetes- my way NHS Scotland’s interactive website for patients and carers

Resources for social care assistants and workers

Diet and Nutrition Advice for Diabetics:

You will find details of upcoming Diabetes education and training courses, as well as up to date links, resources and information on diabetes care and management on the Diabetes Managed Clinical Network (MCN) Professional website.

Click here to connect to the Diabetes Professional Education website