Care Homes NHS Lothian | Our Services

Essentials in Psychological Care – Dementia

Some of the Behaviour Support Services have a remit to deliver this training to Care Homes within their Health and Social Care Partnership area as part of the Stress and Distress national training plan .

Essentials in Psychological Care – Dementia Training Programme for the Care Home Sector (skilled level)

The aim of this one day Essentials in Psychological Care package, is to enhance participants’ understanding of the causes of distressed behaviours in dementia using evidence based strategies that you can apply effectively in a care home setting.

This training and learning resource has been developed to support staff working in the care home sector at the skilled level of the Promoting Excellence Framework to increase understanding of the proactive and preventative strategies used in dementia and how best to promote person-centred care.

This is delivered as a one day, face to face course.

Who should attend?

  • Senior care staff or team leaders
  • Registered Nurses
  • Care assistants
  • Practitioners and Social Care Workers
  • Dementia Ambassadors

Further information and booking details:

If you are interested in attending this course, or for more information, please email your respective team:

EDINBURGH : Edinburgh Behaviour Support Service (EBBS) sdtraining@nhslothian.nhs.scot.uk  or phone 0131 537 6044 with your name, role and the care home you work in.

WEST LOTHIAN: West Lothian Psychological Approach Team (WELPAT) WeLPATservice@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

MIDLOTHIAN : please discuss with manager

EAST LOTHIAN: please discuss with manager

Please note that details of training opportunities from behaviour support services are also shared via email, to care homes throughout the year.

Further information

For information on dementia, including, what dementia is and the most common types as well as a selection of resources please see the Dementia page.