Care Homes NHS Lothian | Our Services

Dysphasia & IDSSI*

This page provides a direct link to guides and resources to help staff supporting people with eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties:

The main resources are held on the MANUAL for MEALTIMES webpage.

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On the page you will find resources including:

  • The Manual for Mealtimes: supporting residents with eating and drinking
  • A supporting video
  • Links to Care Inspectorate Guidance and the National Health & Wellbeing Framework.

These resources have been developed by NHS Lothian Speech and Language team

Additional Resources


The International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative (IDDSI) has developed a standard that can be used to describe the characteristics of foods and drinks, there are 8 levels described which can be used when planning safe care and support.

For more information click the green button below: