The need for communication training is paramount to ensure quality person led care and good patient outcomes. It is also proven to impact positively on retention of staff who are working in increasingly challenging situations.
NHS Lothian Clinical Education Team offer a variety of sessions where staff, in varying job roles, can explore and develop their own communications skills, in a safe and supportive way.
Please read the information on each offer to identify which would be most appropriate for you and your staff needs.
Communication Skills for Health and Social Care Support Assistants and Workers
Communication session for Healthcare Bands 2 , 3, 4 and Social Care Assistants and Workers
This half day session uses a person-centred, face to face, approach to focus on effective communication in the workplace. The course is interactive, and uses a variety of approaches to learning, including reflection and opportunities for discussion, with links to information and resources on communication.
Intended Audience
This course is aimed at Healthcare staff in band ands 2, 3, 4 roles and for Social Care Assistants and Workers, who are supporting and working with individuals in all care settings
Learning Objectives
By the end of the session it is expected that the learner will be able to:
- Explain why good communication is essential in healthcare and identify how this skill can be developed.
- List behaviours of incivility and outline how incivility can affect self and others in the workplace
- Give examples of how different personality types communicate and recognise the benefits of having different personality types within a team.
- Identify situations in the workplace where communication may be challenging and describe how communication could be modified in those circumstances
More Information, Dates and Booking Information can be found below:

- Wed 22nd January 2025, 9-1pm – Room 7, Comely Bank Centre
- Wed 26th February 2025, 9-1pm – Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, Post Graduate Education Centre – Craigmillar Room
- Tues 11th March 2025, 12. 30-4.00 pm – Room 2 Comely Bank Centre
* Please note that only 2 people from each work area can attend on the same session*
Communication Skills for Registered Practitioners
Communication session for Healthcare Workers at Band 5 or above, and Social Care Practitioners and Team Leads
The need for communication training is paramount to ensure good patient outcomes and quality person led care. It also impacts positively on retention of staff who are working in increasingly challenging situations
This full day session uses a person-centred, face to face, approach to focus on effective communication in the workplace. This course is interactive, and uses a variety of approaches to learning, including reflection and opportunities for discussion, with links to information and resources on communication.
Intended Audience
This course is aimed at all registered nurses, midwives and registered ODP’s, including newly qualified staff, looking after patients in all areas of care. From the social care sector it is an appropriate education opportunity for Social Care Practitioners, Teams Leads or Managers.
By the end of the session it is expected that the learner will be able to:
- Understand how different personality types communicate and may be perceived by others, whilst recognising the benefits of having different personality types within a team.
- Discuss and understand the impact that incivility can have on yourself and others within a team or workplace
- Examine the role of emotional intelligence in communicating with others and be able to assess your own emotional intelligence
- Be able to identify distress in yourself and others and understand how to communicate with those who are distressed.
More Information, Dates and Booking Information can be found below:

- Thursday 27th February 2025, 9am – 4pm, The Broch, The Royal Edinburgh Hospital
- Wednesday 9th April 2025, 9am – 4pm, Clinical Skills Room, St Johns Hospital
* Please note that only 2 people from each work are can attend on the same session*
Further information and booking details
NHS Lothian will carry out its educational functions in a way that is inclusive to all learners. We strive to minimise any barriers to learning. If a course attendee requires additional support, please contact the Course Administrator at loth.clinicalskillstraining@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk.
Due to the subject matter and the structure of the session, it is essential that candidates arrive on time.
We also strongly advise that no more than 2 people from any one area attend on each date.
Availability and Booking:
For NHS Staff please book via eESS
For other staff, not using NHS eESS,:
Please see the Clinical Education and Training Teams’ Calendar of Courses and Classroom Based Learning for dates, then email: loth.trainingandeducationcarehomes@nhs.scot to request a booking form.
For any other queries, please email:loth.CETComTeam@nhs.scot
This education package is only one of many offered to those working in care homes and care at home services across the Lothians.
To discover others and find out more information please use the Education and Training Directory