Care Homes NHS Lothian | Our Services

Care Home Programme Teams

The Care Home Programme Team was established in May 2020 under the direction of the Executive Nurse Director and the Nurse Director Primary and Community Care.

At that time the primary focus of the team was to provide operational and strategic support for care homes and care at home services in Lothian. As we recover from the Covid 19 Pandemic, the focus has shifted to a more collaborative way of working, with the recommendations within My Health, My Care, My Home – Healthcare Framework for adults living in care homes, the main focus of our work going forward.

This includes working with Health and Social Care Partnerships support teams and services  to establish a means for escalation and oversight.

Workstreams 2024

Within the framework My Health, My Care, My Home there are 8 main themes . Over the forthcoming year, we will work towards supporting HSCPs and the Care Homes and Care at Home services within these partnership to meet the themed recommendations outlined within the Framework under the following headings:

1. Nurturing Environment

2. Multi-Disciplinary Team


4.Anticipatory care, Self Management and Early intervention

5.Urgent and Emergency Care

6.Palliative and End of Life Care

7.Sustainable and Skilled Workforce

8.Data, Digital and Technology

Contact us:

Should you wish to contact the Care Home Programme Team please feel free to email us