Care Homes NHS Lothian | Our Services

Care Home and Care at Home Conference 2024

Online – 3rd October 2024

Caring and Learning together

Lothian is hosting its second dedicated Care Home and Care at Home Conference  but this time it will all be online on 3rd  October 2024

Save the date in your diaries in anticipation for registration opening soon.

Aim of Conference

The conference will be a celebration and an opportunity to share projects, good practice and experiences within Care Homes and Care at Home services  throughout Lothian and Nationally

Who can attend?

As the conference will be online we are not restricted by numbers and we  welcome attendance from all interested parties.

Get involved

We are looking for abstracts for  presentations and/or posters. Linked is a call for abstracts and further details on how you can get involved in the conference for return by 7th June

We would welcome abstracts from all relevant parties.

For example;

  • Care Homes manager and front line staff
  • Care at Home services and staff
  • Health and Social Care Partnership specialist teams
  • Resident groups
  • Relative groups
  • Specialist Services
  • NHS Lothian project leads and services  
  • Research

Please circulate this email to relevant groups / individuals who may be interested in submitting an abstract to present or a poster.

More information

Due to the technology we still require registration. Registration will open from Tuesday 25th June  Details on how to register will be sent in the next month. If you would like further information or would like to discuss further please email carehomes@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk