This website aims to be a one stop shop for information relating to Care Homes.
The Quality Improvement Team for Care Homes and Primary Care Settings and the Lothian Care Academy (Education pages) manage the website and write some pages the majority of the pages are written by the teams themselves – as they are the experts.

Please get in touch with us if you have any questions or comments about the website or if you would like to discuss having your own page on the site
Please note we are bound by NHS governance as to what we can display on this site. Furthermore, it is a public facing site and this should be taken into account with information uploaded to the site.
Having a page on the Care Homes website
Please read the NHS policy re the responsibilities of having an NHS webpage.
Please also see links provided by the WebTeam re legal requirements for accessibility; and a guide as to how to write well for the website.

Useful links for writing a webpage
- A brief introduction to accessibility (including legal requirements) – “Web accessibility basics”
- Government Guidelines (including legal requirements) – “Understanding accessibility requirements for public sector bodies”
- NHS Lothian Guidelines – “Writing well for the web”