NHS Lothian offers Care Homes the opportunity to make a secure email connection to allow the seamless sharing of person identifiable/sensitive information.
This is done by completing a simple process, in partnership with NHS Lothian. If you are interested please contact carehomes@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk
Why do Care Homes need Secure Email Accounts?
Secure email accounts can help facilitate the transfer of confidential health and other information that cannot be shared by NHS Lothian to personal and business email addresses. By completing the process both parties will benefit from the sharing of information quickly and securely.
This includes:
- Direct referral to specialist services; for example Podiatry, Dietetics and Nutrition and Speech and Language Therapy
- Communication with GP’s
- Communication with Pharmacy
- Communication with in patient services( Admission and Discharge information)
- Minutes of meetings e.g. from Problem Assessment Groups (PAGs) and Incident Management Teams (IMTs)
Please note that the sharing of person identifiable/sensitive information through this process can only be achieved between the Care Home and an NHS email account.
Who has a Secure Email Address
If you work in a Care Home, and you are unsure if your Care Home has completed this process with NHS Lothian please check with your manager.
NHS staff should check the Safe Email Transmission Grid, available on the intranet opens a new window prior to sending any person identifiable/sensitive information.