Care Homes NHS Lothian | Our Services

Oral Health: Referral Pathway

Caring for Smiles Team

Caring for Smiles Team

The Caring for Smiles Team is the team dedicated to the oral health needs of an older person.
The team has:

  • 4 Dental Health Support Workers who look after approximately 26 care homes each geographically spread Pan Lothian
  • An Oral Health Improvement Practitioner
  • An Oral Health Improvement Coordinator.

How do I make a Referral?

Please complete a yellow referral form copies are in the Caring for Smiles Manual and send to:

Pathway Office
Oral Health Service
Duncan Street Dental Centre
16 Duncan Street

Urgent referrals may be emailed to:   pds.pathway@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk     

Further information

For information relating to oral care information and training please see the following webpages.

Oral Health: Service and information
Oral Care: Training