Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services NHS Lothian | Our Services

Video Resources for Parents & Carers


Intellectual Disability and Neurodiversity

Using a visual timetable

Visual timetables are a key support strategy for people with an Intellectual Disability. In this video members of the CAMHS ID Team demonstrate some different ways of using visual timetables.

Making it happen – supporting participation for children and young people with intellectual disability

When someone is unsure what to expect in a situation, if the haven’t learned the skills needed or if they have had unhelpful previous experiences, they may be unsure or unwilling to take part in an activity.  The link to the video below explains some ways to support and encourage children and young people to participation in day to day activities.

Make It Happen – How To Support Participation on Vimeo

Embracing Difference

Embracing Difference is a 6-session recorded group for parents of primary aged children who are neurodivergent or present with developmental divergence.

The group aims to provide parents with up-to-date information and strategies to support their child, to optimise their learning and reduce distress. It The also offers strategies to support parental self-care and wellbeing.

Embracing Difference draws from current research and evidence-based practice to provide information on how to support children who are neuro-divergent.

Each week focusses on a different area and provides strategies and information for parents to use with their child, in order to support them to flourish.

The Embracing Difference flyer provides more information and you can view the Embracing Difference videos on either the NHS Lothian Vimeo Showcase or by clicking on the individual video links below:

Embracing difference – week 1: Understanding Neurodevelopmental Diversity
Embracing difference – week 2: Communication
Embracing difference – week 3: Sensory Differences & Sleep
Embracing difference – week 4: Social – Emotional Development
Embracing difference – week 5: Supporting Behaviour
Embracing difference – week 6: Celebrating Difference

The parent workbook provides a place for parents to make notes, and reflect on their experience. The group covers a lot of information and strategies and the parent workbook can also be a useful reminder of the group content that was most relevant to the parent(s).

Embracing Difference Workbook

Parents can add to the child portfolio as they watch the recorded group sessions. It offers a space for parents to note down some key strategies they would like to try out with their child. 

Child Portfolio

Encouraging Eating

Information on common eating and drinking difficulties experienced by autistic children and young people with practical ideas and strategies for parents and carers to use at home timetables.

Anxiety – NHS Lothian Parent Anxiety Workshops

The content of the workshop is based on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), the recommended treatment for managing anxiety and worries. The information sessions will help parents learn more about what anxiety is and how you can support your child to overcome it.

1. What is anxiety and when does it become a problem: https://vimeo.com/943593737?share=copy
2. The CBT model of anxiety – What keeps anxiety going: https://vimeo.com/943594679?share=copy
3. Supporting your child with anxiety: https://vimeo.com/943596442/9ab61b8641?share=copy
4. Managing anxiety – Body Tools: https://vimeo.com/943597579/079e3abff4?share=copy
5. Managing anxiety – Thinking Tools: https://vimeo.com/943598450/0caa0e20f6?share=copy
6. Managing anxiety – Changing Behaviour: https://vimeo.com/943599966?share=copy

Intellectual Disability Parent and Carer Information Sessions

These sessions have been developed jointly by the CAMHS Intellectual Disability Team and the City of Edinburgh Council Educational Psychology Service. The aim is to provide a general overview of intellectual disability in children and adolescents. They are for information purposes only, please contact your health care professional if you require specific support or advice.

CAMHS ID Session Positive Behaviour Support