Visit MidSpace for Midlothian’s online source of mental health and wellbeing information.
Please click the links for top tips for developing good mental health and emotional wellbeing for Children and Young People, Parents, and for Schools.
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Reaching Out
Police Scotland
Call 999 in case of emergency.
Midlothian Social Work Children and Families Service
0131 271 3413, or Emergency Social Work Service (ESWS) is open during out of hours: 0800 731 6969
Shelter Provides free and confidential advice on housing problems and rights. Or chat online. Shelter’s Free Housing Advice Line (Mon-Fri 9am – 5pm):
0808 800 4444
Chat to a Childline counsellor online or on the phone, available 24hrs a day and 7 days a week. 1-to-1 chats are available online via the website too. Email support is also available.
0800 1111
Samaritans: If you are feeling distressed, in a state of despair, suicidal or need emotional support you can contact by email or phone. This is a freephone number and open 24/7.
116 123
Rock Trust
Service provides risk of homelessness support to 16-25 year olds at the Youth housing hub.
0131 557 4059
Edinburgh Rape Crisis Centre
Specialist agency providing free and confidential support to survivors in Edinburgh and the Lothians.
The National Rape Crisis Helpline is available from 6pm-12am (0888 01 03 02 / 07537410027 (text)).
Support around domestic abuse, forced marriage and more for black, and minority ethnic groups – Women, children and young people will be supported through phone calls, WhatsApp and Facetime.
Mon 9.30am – 4pm Tue 1-4pm Wed – Fri 9.30am – 4pm 0131 475 2399, 24-hour Domestic Abuse Helpline 0800 271234 Emergency Services 999
Clan Childlaw
Deliver free, confidential legal advice to young people. Call the number below for help with any questions or enquiries about your rights and how the law affects you.
0808 129 0522
Sleep Action
We can provide support for any child and young person resident in Scotland, including those with a suspected or diagnosed additional support need or health condition. We may refer some families on to one of our Sleep Counsellors with a background in specific support needs. Please contact our Sleep Advisors via email to find out more.
Scottish advice service for additional support for learning. The telephone helpline is available 9.30pm-4.30pm on Mondays Tuesdays, and Thursday’s.
0345 123 2303
Venture Trust
1-to-1 support and coaching still offered by phone for; wellbeing, employability support for 16+, advice, self-care, coronavirus support self-isolation support, self development and more. All face to face engagements are on hold but referrals still considered.
0131 228 7700
The UK’s eating disorder charity. They offer information and support and can be contacted on the helplines below.
Helpline: 0808 801 0432
Studentline: 0808 801 0811
Youthline: 0808 801 07118
Webchat available Mon-Fri 3pm-8pm.
Telephone Support
Childline is a free, private and confidential service where you can talk about anything.
0800 1111
Children 1st ParentLine
Do you feel like you’re at the end of your tether? Are you struggling to make ends meet? Children 1st Parentline is here for you and your family. The helpline is available Mon-Fri, 9am – 9pm; Sat-Sun, 9am – noon.
Breathing Space
Confidential phone line where you can speak to someone from a mental health or counselling background. The number is Freephone and telephone support available 6pm – 2am weekdays and 24 hours at the weekend.
Breathing Space
0800 83 85 87
LGBTQI+ Resources
LGBT Youth Scotland
For young people in the LGBT community. Live chat service will continue to run every Monday and Thursday from 4pm – 8pm. See the link below for the details.
LGBT Youth Scotland
Mitchell House
5/1 Mitchell Street
Edinburgh EH6 7BD
0131 476 4506
Weekly social groups for LGBT+ young people and allies in Midlothian and one to one support for LGBT+ young people in Midlothian.
Community Resources
Citizens Advice Bureau
Provides free, confidential, impartial and independent advice on things such as foodbank vouchers, money advice, benefits, housing, family problems, health services and legal rights. Find your local telephone on the link below.
Citizens Advice Bureau
Home Link Family Support is a charitable organisation supporting families with young children in Edinburgh and Midlothian. If you have children under 5 we can support you by visiting you at home.
Homelink Family Support
1 Dalkeith Road Mews
Dalkeith Road
EH16 5GA
0131 661 0890
Kinship Care Midlothian SCIO
To support kinship carers who look after and care for their disadvantaged kinship children. The organisation’s primary aim is to continue to develop its own unique brand of services by delivering bespoke sensible projects, advocacy assistance and practical help/advice to our own peer group.
Kinship Care Midlothian
‘The Prefab’,
Grannies Park Industrial Estate
EH22 1JY
0131 454 0502, or 07729 752459
Midlothian Young People’s Advice Service (MYPAS)
Helps young people (aged 12 to 21) to deal with issues including: mental health and drug and alcohol use. Their information, support and counselling services are free, friendly and confidential.
Tolbooth Hall
176 High Street
EH22 1AY
0131 454 0757
Play Therapy Base
Provide: 1-1 play therapy sessions, Therapeutic Play and Filial Therapy and parent consultations. They are a charity who where possible provide funded service, small fee may apply.
32/13 Hardengreen Industrial Estate
Dalhousie Road, Eskbank,
Midlothian, EH22 3NX
0131 454 9713
NHS Lothian Sexual Health
Healthy Respect+ clinics for young people offer advice, support and information on sexual health issues. The Dalkeith clinic is open on Friday mornings and appointments can be booked by phoning the number below.
NHS Lothian Sexual Health
0131 536 1070
Richmond’s Hope – Edinburgh & Midlothian
Provides support for children and young people aged 4-18 years who have been bereaved.
Richmond’s Hope
Richmond Craigmillar Church
227 Niddrie Mains Road
EH16 4PA
0131 661 6818
Sure Start
Parenting services, perinatal services, therapeutic services for new Mums and family learning services.
The Yard
A charity that runs adventure play services for disabled children and their families in the East of Scotland.
The Yard
22 Eyre Place Lane
0131 476 4506
VOCAL (Voices of Carers Across Lothian)
Provides advice and support for anyone who is supporting or caring for another individual.
Autism (ASD) Resources
Autism Initiatives – Number 6 One-Stop Shop
Number 6 is a service for autistic adults who fit the following criteria: 16 and over, do not have a learning disability, and live in the Lothians or the Scottish Borders. Number 6 provides free social opportunities and 1-1 advice and support on a range of issues.
Scottish Autism
An organisation dedicated to enriching the lives of autistic people. Get Set 4 Autism provides support to parents and carers of autistic children and young people across Scotland up to the age of 18 years old.You can contact the Autism Advice Line at For all general enquiries please email us at and we will respond to you as soon as possible, or call 01259 720044.
Cygnet Group ADHD Project
Cygnet Group Runs a 6 week parenting support programme for parents/carers of children aged 5-18 on the autistic spectrum run by Barnardos. For further information contact the number below.
0131 339 8840