Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services NHS Lothian | Our Services

Autism Spectrum Disorder



National Autistic Society
UK’s leading charity for autistic people and their families

Scottish Autism – ‘Right Click’
Scottish Autism’s Right Click online training programme offers information and support for parents of young children and teenagers with autism. Right Click training runs several times throughout the year with each programme running for 5 weeks.

Autism Initiatives
Provides services tailored to people with autism, their families and carers

Number 6
Provides free social opportunities, advice and support (age 16+)

FAIR Advice
Information and advice service for people with learning disabilities and carers

Amazing Kids: in their own words
An animation brought to you from the people who created Amazing Things Happen.  Features children and young people with autism talking about their experiences of being autistic.  

Autism Toolbox
Access to a number of helpful resources including guidance for children moving between classes/going from primary to secondary school, and developing inclusive classroom environments.

National Autistic Society- Strategies
Information on ASD friendly strategies including ‘Visual Supports’ and ‘Social Stories’.

NationalAutistic Society- Social Stories
Information on ‘Social Stories’ why they are helpful, and how to develop and use them.

National Autistic Society- Visual Support
Information on ‘Visual Supports’ why they are helpful, and how to develop and use them.

‘Using a Visual Timetable’- NHS Lothian CAMHS ID
A video explaining and demonstrating how to use a visual timetable with children with ASD.

‘Make It Happen’- NHS Lothian CAMHS ID
A video explaining and demonstrating the strategy ‘Make It Happen’ aimed at helping children trust timetables.

STARApproach to Behaviour Analysis
Blank examples of STAR (Setting, Trigger, Action, Response) approach to behavioural analysis with an explanation,


National Autistic Society- Challenging Behaviour
Information about challenging behaviours, how they function, and why they can occur.

St Clement’s Practical Autism Video Guides
A YouTube channel with videos created on a variety of topics within ASD. 

Understand Autism
An interactive video helping people to understand how autism looks in different people.

Understanding Sensory Behaviour
A booklet aimed at explaining sensory seeking behaviour, why it occurs, and how to facilitate sensory seeking behaviour in a safe way.

Scottish Autism- Right Click
A free five week training course for families and carers with options for a focus on teenagers or early years.

Girls and Autism: Flying Under the Radar
A guide to how and why ASD can look different in girls compared to boys, and how to support girls who have been given an ASD diagnosis.

NAS – Hospital Passport
Guidance to develop a ‘passport’ of essential information for a young person with ASD that can be passed on to doctors/professionals.

Leisure and Learning new skills

The Yard
The Yard (adventure playground and centre) gives opportunities to enhance special awareness and develop essential life skills.

Lothian Autistic Society
Lothian Autistic Society offers a number of activities including: Saturday clubs, holiday clubs, and Basecamp (which is aimed at having fun and developing social skills).

Provides opportunity for 8-16 year olds to take part in sport and athletics, including the world’s first Autism Football League.

Autism Friendly Cinema
Find autism friendly cinema screenings near you.

Soft play centre in Ocean Terminal, Leith which offers sessions for children with additional needs.

IntoWork (over 16s only)
A specialised employment support service for disabled jobseekers across Edinburgh and the Lothians.  To be eligible to receive their services the young person must be aged 16 and above.

Support for Parents

DART-App Wheel
A database of reviewed ASD friendly APPS developed by the University of Edinburgh.

Fair Advice
Financial and legal advice for parents of children with additional needs including ASD.

VOCAL (Voice of Carers Across Lothian)
Support for unpaid carers in Lothian.

A booklet produced by SIGN (Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network) aimed at explaining ASD to young people.

Scottish Autism
Scottish Autism runs the “Right-Click” online training and information support for parents of young children and teenagers.

National Post Diagnostic Support Service | Scottish Autism
More information regarding the Scottish Autism’s National Post Diagnostic Service. 

Autism Advice Line – 01259 222 022 | Scottish Autism
Scottish Autism offer an advice line for Parents. Details of the advice line can be found here, as well as how to get in touch.

Information for Young People

Understand Autism
An interactive video helping people to understand how autism looks in different people.

Number 6 (over 16s only)
A Service for adults (16 and over) with Autism who live in the Lothians providing one-to-one support and opportunities.

A booklet produced by SIGN aimed at explaining ASD to young people.

Amazing Kids: in their own words
An animation  featuring children and young people with autism talking about their experiences of being autistic.  

ASD and Eating

Scottish Autism
Information about ASD and eating.

ASD and Sensory Differences

Understanding Sensory Behaviour
A booklet aimed at explaining sensory seeking behaviour, why it occurs, and how to facilitate sensory seeking behaviour in a safe way.

ASD and Intellectual Disabilities

‘Using a Visual Timetable’- NHS Lothian CAMHS ID
A video explaining and demonstrating how to use a visual timetable with children with ASD.

STAR Approach to Behaviour Analysis
Blank examples of STAR approach to behavioural analysis with an explanation.

Positive Behaviour Support Planning
A guide to understand challenging behaviour associated with autism, and guidance on how to start to support your child with this behaviour.