Breast Screening NHS Lothian | Our Services

Breast Screening

The South East Scotland Breast Screening Service is part of the National Breast Screening Programme (NHSBSP). We offer screening to around 71,500 women each year from Edinburgh, the Lothians, Borders, Fife, and Forth Valley. We provide a free breast screening service for women aged between 50 to 70, resident in our area.

In Scotland, only women between the ages of 50 and 70 are offered breast screening every 3 years. This is because:

  • The risk of developing breast cancer increases with age.
  • The test is most effective in women who’ve reached the menopause.
  • After the age of 70 breast cancer develops more slowly so over 70s are not routinely invited for screening but should remain breast aware and speak to their GP about any concerns.

Women under the age of 50 are not eligible for screening. However, if you are concerned as a result of a family history of breast cancer, or you have any symptoms, you should discuss this with your GP who may refer you to a hospital for further investigations.

 More information on our service and the screening programme can be obtained at: