Audiology, Hearing & Balance Services NHS Lothian | Our Services

Hearing Aids

We provide various types of hearing aids. Depending on your level of hearing loss (mild, moderate, severe, or profound), we prescribe the most suitable hearing aid for you.

Your Guide to Hearing Aids

Hearing aids are available free of charge through the NHS. Following an appointment with our Audiology department, you will receive an audiogram. This will reflect your level of hearing loss (mild, moderate, severe, or profound) and assist our audiologists in deciding the most suitable hearing aids to prescribe to you.

What is a Hearing Aid? 

Hearing aids are small devices with built-in microphones which pick up sounds and convert them into electrical signals. These signals are then processed, amplified, and converted back into sounds for you to hear. NHS generally fits behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids. BTE hearing aids sit behind your outer ear and is connected to a tubing with a mould, or a thin wire with a speaker that is placed inside your ear canal. Your hearing aid will be tailored to suit your own hearing needs.

The NHS provides various types of hearing aids. Depending on your level of hearing loss, the size and type of hearing aid will differ. In the images below, you will see some of the hearing aids that we often prescribe to patients.

Benefit of NHS Hearing Aids 

Hearing aids are available on the NHS for anyone who needs them. Your GP can refer you to us if they think you might need a hearing aid.

Here are some of the benefits of getting an NHS hearing aid:

  • Your hearing aids are provided for free as a long-term loan.
  • Batteries and repairs are free (however there may be a charge if you lose or break your hearing aid and it needs to be replaced).
  • Any follow-up appointments or aftercare is free.

If you have given your hearing aids time but still find that “they don’t help“, please reach out to our Audiology department and ask for help. If they are uncomfortable or too loud, do not hide them in the drawer. Work with your audiologist to find a solution.

Still Have Questions?

Answers to the most common hearing aid queries.​

Hearing Aid Problems?

How to deal with common hearing aid issues.​