Arts Psychotherapies NHS Lothian | Our Services

Our East Lothian Team

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In East Lothian our Arts Therapists work across community based Mental Health Services, both adult services and services for children and young people as part of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), this includes support for older people in inpatient settings and care homes.

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)

Art Psychotherapy:
Molly Verheyden (Children & Young People Team Lead – Community)

Art Psychotherapy:
Eimear Kearns

Sometimes trying to put feelings into words is difficult. We might catch ourselves feeling stuck or pressured to explain to others how we feel. Our aim is to create a safe space and opportunity for the young person to bring difficult emotions, to be heard and seen, to learn how to relate with another person and begin to take risks through their art making. We do not interpret images but show an open and curious stance to what they may mean. Some people find that doing a creative activity with their therapist helps put them at ease and make the session feel less intense.

A referral to our service can be made by the young person’s school or GP. It is based to be written by the person who knows the young person best. This will be considered by the CAMHS EL team and discussed with the young person on their first CAMHS appointment which is called “Choice”.

Older People, Palliative and Dementia Care

East Lothian Community Hospital

Music Therapy:

Reuben Hodkin

Music Therapy:
Emi Booth

Engagement in meaningful musical experiences can improve mood, alertness and interest in a person’s surroundings and support moments of connectedness when physical and cognitive abilities are declining. This can have an effect on the individual and the care environment. Interactive music therapy can reduce agitation and the need for medication as well as demonstrating an increase in well-being scores and a reduction in anxiety. Music Therapy is offered in open groups for patients, carers and staff as well as ad hoc and continuing blocks of individual music therapy sessions.

Referrals can be discussed with the Music Therapist on each ward. Personal playlists are also encouraged to provide a musical life story.

Adult Community Mental Health Service, East Lothian

Music Therapy:
Emma Maclean (Community Service Team Lead)

Art Psychotherapy:
Jessica Beale

The service offers individual and group Arts Therapies to persons accessing mental health services through primary and secondary care. It can be useful for patients experiencing mental health difficulties such as anxiety, depression, psychosis or distress due to illness, communication, traumatic experiences or loss. Using the arts form in building a therapeutic relationship can be used to express feelings and emotions that are difficult to say in words, to explore patterns of relating, and facilitate positive change.

Anyone from the East Lothian joint mental health team, Care Where It Counts (CWIC) Team or GPs can make a referral to the Arts Therapies Service.