We provide a specialist service which supports families in Lothian to support them to make changes to their lifestyle to become more healthy and active.

Our multi-disciplinary team is made up of Dietitians, Psychologists and Exercise Specialists. We also work with our community leisure partners and health coaches – all experienced in supporting nutrition, physical activity and behavioural changes.
Our package of support includes lifestyle interventions, emotional wellbeing support and signposting to self-help resources or other community services.
Families can be referred by health professionals, or by self referral. Our team then work with the families to identify which programme would best suit their needs.
We currently offer programmes virtually or face to face. If you have a preference for how you would like to undertake your appointments, please let us know when booking. Interpreters are available if needed. To find out more about the Child Healthy Weight Service, please find attached our information leaflet.
You can find out more at the support for adult weight management and type 2 diabetes prevention programmes website.
Get in touch
You can self-refer to our service by completing our self referral form.
Email: loth.childhealthyweight@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk
Phone: 0131 537 9169
Woodlands House
Astley Ainslie Hospital
74 Canaan Lane