Travel Advice Online.
The past 20 years have seen a huge increase in global tourist travel for holiday, business, visiting friends and relatives and volunteering in remote areas of developing countries or as aid workers responding to natural disaster situations.
Before you consult a travel medicine specialist you can get basic information about your destination country, any vaccines required or recommended, malaria and health information.
We encourage you to look at this online advice first before booking a travel appointment with us.

The Travel Health Pro Website.
The NaTHNaC – Country List (travelhealthpro.org.uk) website will allow you to search for risks specific to your destination and give info on disease prevention.
For example if you are travelling to South Africa you can select “South Africa” from the destinations, then click “Vaccinations” to check out vaccine recommendations.
As well as informing which vaccinations courses or boosters are usually advised for all people travelling to South Africa, travel health pro informs when to consider additional vaccines.
Vaccines recommended for all – Vaccines for life in the UK
Vaccines recommended for most travellers – Hepatitis A and Diphtheria
However there are vaccines to consider – if someone is travelling to areas of poor sanitation, they may consider Hepatitis A or Typhoid. If they are unable to receive prompt, good quality medical attention in event of an incident they may consider Rabies or Tetanus.
Specific Health Risks
Further information on specific health risks can be explored within the travel health pro countries page. If a traveller is pregnant, is immunocompromised, elderly or has specific questions they many wish to seek face to face or telephone advice for additional information, but travel health pro is an excellent starting point for those who may wish to find out more about their trip risks.

Get Travel Advice for Your Trip.
Before you consult a travel medicine specialist you can get information about your destination country, any vaccines required or recommended, malaria and health information.