About our Travel Clinics.
The Travel Clinic Hub of the Regional Infectious Diseases Unit at the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh opened in 1993 and now sees over ten thousand patients a year.
In addition to the Travel Clinic Hub, we have launched community-based travel clinics at venues near you in Lothian. You will be able to request any clinic location where appointments are available.
In Lothian we aim to provide gold standard travel medicine services through our team of Clinical Nurse Specialists and Travel Medicine Consultants.

Travel Medicine:
A developing speciality
The past 20 years have seen a huge increase in global tourist travel for holiday, business, visiting friends and relatives and volunteering in remote areas of developing countries or as aid workers responding to natural disaster situations.
Travel medicine emerged as a specialty in 1991, with the formation of the International Society for Travel Medicine (ISTM).
The Rise in Travel
This rise in travel has been associated with a rise in travel-related illness and death which is often preventable.
Malaria is one of the most serious treatable travel-related disease, with around 1,500 to 2,000 cases and 10-15 preventable deaths in the UK each year. There is growing concern that with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on control measures and emerging drug resistance these numbers could rise.
Common sense measures can also reduce the risk of other infections such as travellers’ diarrhoea, viral hepatitis, HIV and schistosomiasis (a disease caused by parasitic worms).
The increase in illness caused by travel-related disease underlines the importance of travellers getting individually tailored advice to protect their health. Book in with a travel medicine specialist today.

Our Staff
Our team of Clinical Nurse Specialists and Travel Medicine Consultants

Dr Oliver Koch, DPhil FRCP FFTM; Consultant & Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer in Infectious Diseases; has overall responsibility for the Travel Clinic
Amy Gannon, RGN Bsc (hons) DTM RCPS (Glasg); Lead Clinical Nurse Specialist, Travel Medicine
Nicola Armstrong, RGN BSc DTM RCPS (Glasg); Clinical Nurse Specialist, Travel Medicine
Laura Thomson, RGN; Clinical Nurse Specialist, Travel Medicine
Lesley Adams, RGN; Clinical Nurse Specialist, Travel Medicine
Anne Maitland, RGN DTM RCPS (Glasg); Clinical Nurse Specialist, Travel Medicine
Donna Aitken, RGN, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Travel Medicine
Gary Cottrell, RGN; Clinical Nurse Specialist, Travel Medicine
Dr Elaine Griffin, MB MRCP MRCGP DTM&H; GP with specialist interest in Travel Medicine
David Mckigen, RGN DTM RCPS (Glasg) RGN; Clinical Nurse Specialist, Travel Medicine
Rhona Bennett, Specialist Clinical Pharmacist – Vaccination Services

Travellers are welcome to call us to make an appointment.
As a busy service we appreciate being informed of any cancellation or expected late arrival. We may not be able to accommodate delayed arrivals within the same clinic/day.
Please see “find a clinic” section for directions and journey planners.