Palliative Care NHS Lothian | Our Services

Pharmacy Services

Marie Curie Hospice Edinburgh
Principal Pharmacist, Palliative Care
Service available – check work commitments/timetable at Tel: 0131 470 2201
Mobile: 07525 387519 (8.45am – 5pm)

St Columba’s Hospice Care, Edinburgh
Principal Pharmacist, Palliative Care
Service available – check work commitments/timetable at Tel: 0131 551 1381
Mobile: 07525 387519 (8.45am – 5pm)

St John’s Hospital
Specialist Pharmacist, Palliative Care
Service available Monday – Thursday 9am to 5pm
Tel: 01506 523691 (ext 53691)
Tel: 01506 523000 hospital switchbaord (bleep 3534)

Western General Hospital
Principal Pharmacist, Palliative Care
Service available Monday – Friday 8.45am – 5pm
Tel: 0131 537 1000 hospital switchboard (bleep 8449/8441 until 27th September 2021. After 27th September it is bleep 8423) or office extension 33595

Out of hours palliative care pharmacy supplies are available from the Lothian Palliative Care Community Pharmacy Network.

Further Information: