Palliative Care NHS Lothian | Our Services

Hospice Inpatient Units

  • Marie Curie Hospice, Edinburgh
  • St Columba’s Hospice Care, Edinburgh
  • Patients are admitted for:
  • specialist inpatient care in the last few days or weeks of life
  • symptom control
  • assessment and management of complex needs

Additional services offered:

  • telephone advice and information for community patients
  • assessment of patients at home, in care homes or in hospital
  • outpatient appointments by arrangement
  • complementary therapies
  • specialist rehabilitative day therapies
  • access to 24-hour telephone advice

Contacting us:

Marie Curie Hospice, Edinburgh

Frogston Road West, Edinburgh, EH10
Tel 0131 470 2201
email: ci.mche.admin@nhs.scot
website: https://www.mariecurie.org.uk/help/hospice-care/edinburgh
Hospice and Community Palliative Care referral form

St Columba’s Hospice Care

15 Boswall Road
Tel: 0131 551 1381 to speak to the ward (select Cedar or Pentland)
To make an inpatient referral, or for all referral enquiries contact Access Team 0131 551 7751
email: SCH.ACCESS@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk
website: www.stcolumbashospice.org.uk/
Hospice and Community Palliative Care referral form

Further Information: