Palliative Care NHS Lothian | Our Services


(This page is under review)

Bereavement Care Modules

A package of seven bereavement e-learning courses developed by CRUSE Bereavement Care is available through the LearnPro platform. The courses aim to increase knowledge and understanding of the key issues related to bereavement in the general healthcare setting, and range from essential information for all staff (clinical and non-clinical, registered and non-registered) through to specialist modules for those who are regularly working with dying or bereaved individuals, children and young people, or supporting bereaved staff in a management capacity.

For enquires contact the Bereavement Coordinator
Tel: 0131 536 6995

Palliative Care in Practice – NHS Education for Scotland

This open site aims to support health and social care workers to develop their understanding of two key areas of practice: principles of palliative and end of life care and advance care planning.

Palliative Care in Practice is a work based learning resource. Individual topics can be chosen or worked through as a whole.

The advance and anticipatory care planning toolkit gives guidance and provides a wide range of resources that are feely available.

To access Palliative Care in Practice, visit http://www.palliativecareinpractice.nes.scot.nhs.uk

The Macmillan Learn Zone

This site has free and open access and offers a range of resources for the public and healthcare professionals. A simple registration may be required to access some of the resources.

Access the site at: https://learnzone.org.uk/


End of Life Care for All (e-ELCA) is an e-learning project, commissioned by the Department of Health and delivered by e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH) in partnership with the Association for Palliative Medicine of Great Britain and Ireland. There are over 150 highly interactive sessions of e-learning within e-ELCA. These are arranged in 4 core modules:

  • Advance Care Planning
  • Assessment
  • Communication Skills
  • Symptom Management, comfort and well being

A number of e-ELCA e-learning sessions are available to access freely and without the need for registration.

Access the site at: https://www.e-lfh.org.uk/programmes/end-of-life-care-for-all-public-access/