Palliative Care NHS Lothian | Our Services

Day Services

Palliative Day Therapies

  • Day Therapies at Marie Curie Hospice Edinburgh
  • Day Therapies at St Columba’s Hospice Care Edinburgh (currently suspended)
  • Marie Curie Day Therapies at The MacMillan Centre, West Lothian

Lothian Palliative Day Therapies supports adults living at home with life limiting illnesses, irrespective of their diagnosis or prognosis.

Day therapies aims to provide a friendly and supportive environment for people to discuss their wishes, hopes and concerns. We adopt a person-centred and rehabilitative approach to support people living with, and affected by life limiting illnesses. Day Therapies can enable people to live well throughout all stages of their illness.

Support available may include:

  • Learning new self-management techniques and coping strategies
  • Support with symptom management
  • Meeting others in a similar situation
  • Access to specialist multidisciplinary hospice team
  • Functional assessment and goal setting
  • Psychological, social and spiritual support for patients and those close to them
  • Meaningful, creative and therapeutic activities
  • Learning to adapt to change and planning for the future which can include expressing wishes and making choices regarding a time when things may be more difficult; this may include end of life care
  • Complementary therapies

The aim of all services is to promote quality of life and well being for patients and those close to them.

We work closely with GPs, District Nurses, health and social care teams and hospital teams. We also work closely with the hospice teams for example our Community Nurse Specialist. GPs remain responsible for a patients’ overall care when attending Day Therapies.