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Other Sources of Information

Patient information leaflets produced by other organisations on various aspects of genetics and links to websites where leaflets are available: ScotGENThe Scottish Genetics Education Network (ScotGEN) is a network for all individuals involved in teaching genetics for healthcare in Scotland. ScotGEN was established in 2005 as a collaboration of the 4 Scottish Clinical Genetics Centres

Medical Team

CF Consultant Respiratory Physicians Dr Helen Rodgers, Dr Crichton Ramsay and Dr Usma Koser share medical responsibility for the CF Service.

Pan Lothian

NHS Lothian Community Dietetic Team

Who We See MALNUTRITION We see adults who are malnourished, which may be caused by ill health, various disease states and long-term conditions. This can affect your appetite and ability to consume adequate amounts of food and fluids to meet your nutritional requirements. This can cause weight loss, muscle weakness, lack of energy, mobility problems,

Adult speech and Language Therapy

Adult Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) services are provided by NHS Lothian within each Health and Social Care Partnership and the Acute Division. Anyone can request Speech and Language Therapy including the individual. Information about making a referral is detailed below.  For general enquires please contact:Lucie McAnespieHead of Adult SLT Service0131 446 4151 Adult SLT services are

Your pain relief options in NHS Lothian

This page was last updated on 11th February 2024 This section was developed by NHS Lothian Consultant Obstetric Anaesthetists in collaboration with Lothian Maternity Voices Partnership. It provides information about the various options for pain relief available to you in NHS Lothian Maternity Units. Labour ‘pain’ comes mainly from the stretching of the muscles of


The most important thing you can give your baby is your presence, ‘being with’ and enjoying them. Babies love to communicate with their parents and for you to communicate with them. They are hard wired to connect with you from birth. Holding, comforting, talking, singing, feeding, and playing with your baby are all ways you

Pharmacy Practices Committee

Constitution The Pharmacy Practice Committee (PPC) is a Committee of the Health Board, with delegated responsibility for considering applications received to join the Board’s Pharmaceutical List.  The Committee is constituted under Schedule 4 of the General Pharmaceutical Services (Scotland) Regulations 2009 as amended. Committee comprises 7 members: Chair (Non-Executive Member of the NHS Board) 3

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NHS Lothian Our Services

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NHS Lothian Careers


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