Our Services NHS Lothian | Our Services

Coming for a scan

Radiology is a central and essential part of modern medicine. We work with the teams looking after you who have requested tests to image parts of your body to help answer a clinical question. There are lots of different ways we can do this imaging, some using X-rays, magnets or ultrasound. You may also come to

Audiology – Sensory Impairment: Hearing Loss, Tinnitus, and Hearing Aids

Who we are and what we do We assess and provide rehabilitation for hearing loss and tinnitus. Our services cover all Lothian areas. We have specialist clinics for people who have dementia and for Adults with Learning Disabilities.  We can assess hearing if people are able to tolerate wearing headphones and are able to make

Oral Health

Who are we? The Oral Health Improvement Team covers 5 portfolios from birth right through to care of the elderly. The Caring for Smiles Team is the portfolio dedicated to the oral health needs of an older person. The team has 4 Dental Health Support Workers who look after approximately 26 care homes each geographically spread Pan


Find up to date information on the support and activities available for families across Edinburgh at www.edinburgh.gov.uk/supportforfamilies. If you need help finding support for you or your child, please email: supportingparentsandcarers@edinburgh.gov.uk  Please click the links for top tips for developing good mental health and emotional wellbeing for Children and Young People, Parents, and for Schools. Edinburgh Community Resources ​ Autism Initiatives Autism Initiatives provide

Managing your emotional wellbeing during the Covid-19 outbreak

We know that coping with Cystic Fibrosis, in addition to the usual stresses in life, can be especially hard at times and that the COVID-19 pandemic will undoubtedly have affected you all in many different ways: physically, emotionally, socially and psychologically. Each of you will have your own set of unique personal circumstances impacting how

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo

BPPV is a common type of dizziness where people suffer short episodes of vertigo triggered by particular head movements. The vertigo typically lasts for 2-20 seconds. Common triggers include turning over in bed, getting out of bed or tilting the head to look up. Sometimes the vertigo is accompanied by a feeling of nausea. What

Are You Searching in the Correct Section?

The NHS Lothian website is comprised of multiple sections each with their own unique search engines. If you aren't finding what you're looking for, our other sections may hold the information you require.

NHS Lothian Website Screenshot

NHS Lothian

The main section for NHS Lothian. Includes information on hospitals and locations, what to do in emergencies, our waiting times, your rights, immunisations and how to volunteer.
Visit nhslothian.scot

NHS Lothian News and Media

News & Media

The News section for NHS Lothian. Latest news and updates for patients and the media, plus pages celebrating our annual staff awards 'Celebrating Success'.
Visit news.nhslothian.scot

NHS Lothian Our Services

Our Services

Information on Dentists, GPs, Opticians, Pharmacies and an A-Z of healthcare services provided by NHS Lothian.
Visit services.nhslothian.scot

NHS Lothian News and Media

Our Organisation

Details of our NHS Board, strategies, accounts, planning, key documents and Freedom of Information requests.
Visit org.nhslothian.scot

NHS Lothian Policy Online

Policy Online

The repository for all NHS Lothian policies, procedures, guidelines, forms, charts, and patient information leaflets.
Visit policyonline.nhslothian.scot

NHS Lothian Staff


Information for our Staff including Staff Benefits, Staff Networks, Staff Support and Professional Education sites.
Visit staff.nhslothian.scot

NHS Lothian Apps


Standalone NHS Lothian websites, including Online Payments and RefHelp: instant access to referral guidelines for GPs and clinicians.
Visit apps.nhslothian.scot

NHS Lothian Careers


NHS Lothian offers a huge range of career prospects and a wide range of job, training and development opportunities.
Visit careers.nhslothian.scot